For our book Orgasm women told us about their most orgiastic moments. Here’s an excerpt by Clara who talks about the feeling of freedom while horseback riding:
“Once, as a little girl, I had a feeling of total happiness on the back of my horse while we were riding into the countryside. It happened again now and then later on, but it was most special the first time. The horse was running as fast as it could and was very happy that it could run with me over this meadow. And I was happy too, because I was losing touch with earth and time and space, and we were just flying together like one body.
A wave was brought over my mind. That was the most elated feeling I had ever known. It came from my body to my mind, and it was like a feeling of being reborn, like something was shifting, like time and space stopped. There was only happiness, total happiness – and it surprised me, of course, because you don’t have that so much.”
Written by Linda Troeller
Featured Image Copyright Linda Troeller