Photographer’s Journey: How water makes you feel safe

It was fascinating to hear from the many women we portrayed in our book Orgasm about their sexual lives which varied a lot. For example, Nirvano talked about how including water into her erotic life gives her a feeling of protection: “I have had many experiences in water or under waterfalls and I love surfing …

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Photographer’s Journey: Documenting the becoming of a woman

Our book Orgasm explains women’s early orgasm experiences. There has been little research done in this area, so I know these women’s narratives will help readers to reflect on their own youthful sexual growth which was one of our goals when creating the book. One of the women in our Erotic Lives of Women book …

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Photographer’s Journey: The opposite of tension

Orgasms can be great stress relievers. Here’s an excerpt from our book Orgasm in which Marion talks about how orgasms helped protecting her health and sanity: “I was a student and felt under pressure, both to produce good results and time pressure. At the same time, I was in the middle of a big personal …

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Photographer’s Journey: Women who squirt and the importance of talking about sex

Often when I lecture on our Orgasm book project and female sexuality, men ask me how to help a woman to squirt during sex. In the book two women speak about their experiences. Miss Amelia said, “Orgasm is something that I crave and love to have as often as possible – a few times a …

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Photographer’s Journey: Getting to know your sexuality while having fun with shower heads

For our book Orgasm we interviewed Dragonfly who talked about her pleasurable experience with shower heads: “Detachable shower heads are just fun if you want to clean everything. One day I showered to clean THAT thing and I was like ‘oh wow!’. So that’s why I took a lot of long showers. To which my mother …

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Photographer’s Journey: Having the first orgasm in summer camp

An excerpt from the interview with Solveig from my book Orgasm: “I remember that when I had my first orgasm, I was 15 years old, and I was in a summer camp which had big army-like tents with beds inside. The girls had a tent, and the boys had a tent. It was dark outside, …

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